Experience One


  • Culture and Creative Industries
  • Information and Communications Technology

Type of Design

  • Communication and Graphic Design
  • Corporate Design
  • Service Design and User Research
  • Web, Apps, UX and Interface Design

Services and specializations

Business Design & CX Strategy
Service Design
Brand- & Communication Strategy
CX Management & Governance
Data Analysis & Science
Research & Insights
UX Design & CX Writing 
Conversational AI 
Visual Design
Art Direction  
Interaction Design
Content & Storytelling
Application & Software Architecture
Frontend Development
Large Language Models
Backend Development


Experience One was founded in 2006 and is still run by partners who believe that brands and companies can only be successful in the long term if they realize the full potential of their customer experience. To achieve this, 150 experience engineers create digital solutions at the intersection of technology, design and strategy. From personalizing the customer experience to the product’s UX—from data analysis to holistic applications. With international CX projects for Mercedes-Benz, AOK, Deutsche Bahn, Bosch, Zeiss, Postbank and smart, Experience One is located in Berlin, Frankfurt and Stuttgart.


  • Mercedes-Benz
  • Bosch
  • AOK
  • Charité
  • Zeiss
  • EnBW
  • Deutsche Bahn
  • Sparkasse Finanz Informatik
  • Mercedes-Benz Bank
  • smart
  • KIA
  • Hyundai
  • Baufritz



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