IDZ Event
Broken Music Vol.2
The inspiration of our Member of the month March 2023: Anja Muschiol. The exhibition at Hamburger Bahnhof Berlin deals with the vinyl record as a medium of art over the last seven decades.
The inspiration of our Member of the month March 2023: Anja Muschiol
On the basis of 700 recordings, the exhibition illuminates the development of the record as a medium for art from the post-war period to the present day. The panorama is expanded by sound works from the National Gallery's extensive collection, including room-filling sound installations and immersive media works. The exhibition is intended as a tribute to artists and vinyl enthusiasts, but also as documentation of the renewed attention paid to the record as a niche product and collector's item.
IDZ Event
German Ecodesign Award | Call for entries 2023
From 23 January to 17 April, companies, designers and students throughout Europe can apply for the German Ecodesign Award 2023.
We are looking for imaginative ideas and projects that are outstandingly designed and forward-looking. In addition to market-ready products and services, this also includes conceptual and student work. Design innovations are just as much in demand as technical and social innovations. There are no limits to creativity!
More information about the award at:
„JR. Déplacé∙e∙s”.
The inspiration of our Member of the month April 2023: Ralf Huss. The french artist JR exhibits his projects that combine photography, public art and social commitment in the Gallerie d´Italia in Turin.
The inspiration of our Member of the month April 2023 Ralf Huss.
After the exhibition stage in Munich in January, the works of the French artist JR can be seen at the Gallerie d'Italia in Turin until 16th July. At the centre of his artistic activity are larger-than-life art interventions in public space that deal with the problems of migrants and refugees. The size makes the artworks interactive, while thematically raising questions about social fragility. JR's art is created with people for people, emphasises individual as well as societal roles, and ultimately seeks to answer the question of whether art can change the world.
IDZ Event
#UXDA23: Open for Submissions!
Make it count! The UX Design Awards 2023 - Autumn call for participation is open for submissions. Enter your best work by 2 June!
5.00 pm–6.00 pm
IDZ Event
UX Design Awards Virtual Award Ceremony
Join us and celebrate! Please join us on March 01 2023, when we celebrate outstanding experience design in our Virtual Award Ceremony!
More than 400 submissions from 46 countries were entered in the competition, 91 of these were nominated to compete in the Awards. We are now hugely looking forward to presenting the winners of the of the UX Design Awards Spring 2023. Get to know the winning projects and meet the successful participants and our jury in our Virtual Award Ceremony.
The ceremony will be streamed live on LinkedIn und here.
7.00 pm–10.00 pm
IDZ Event
DESIGN INSIGHTS #1 Design means optimism
The IDZ and feldfünf invite you: Lecture evening with communication designer Prof. Anna Berkenbusch.
Everyday life as the basis for communication design: Prof. Anna Berkenbusch describes her work as a communication designer based on everyday observations regarding language, manners and relationships. She shows examples from her academic teaching and from her studio in Berlin and also presents her book Alle Tage, Gestaltung verändert die Welt published in 2022. Christian Gralingen and Anja Nienstädt will take up themes from the book in a workshop with their students from the Lette Verein Berlin and deal with them creatively. They will present the results after the lecture of Prof. Anna Berkenbusch. The works will be on display in the feldfünf window gallery until March 24.
The lecture kicks off our new event series DESIGN INSIGHTS, which asks about the role and significance of design in a social context.
on March 15, 2023 at 7 p.m. (admission opens at 6.30 p.m.)
feldfünf, Fromet-und-Moses-Mendelssohn-Platz 7–8, 10969 Berlin
The event will be held in German. Since the number of participants is limited, we ask for binding registration.
Admission: 10 €, reduced: 5 €
For IDZ members and members of feldfünf e.V. admission is free.
Sponsored by

5.00 pm
IDZ Event
UX Design Awards: Deep Dive Award Winners | Heidelberg Materials
In their presentation Florian Jörgensen, Sarah Gelb-Wiegand and Daniil Starikov will walk us through their award-winning project „Planner“
Planner is an app for planning production at Heidelberg Materials cement plants. It allows users to mitigate high costs due to energy market volatility by shifting to more cost-effective production times and when the share of renewable energy is higher. Using real-time data from energy prices, material stock and machine availability, users can make better planning decisions. Planner also seamlessly supports the plan execution and provides operational transparency to all stakeholders.
Please register here!
Member of IDZ
Retrotopia. Design for Socialist Spaces.
IDZ member Silke Ihden-Rothkirch is co-curator of the international cooperative exhibition project "Retrotopia. Design for Socialist Spaces". The exhibition can be seen at the Berlin Museum of Decorative Arts.
The exhibition promises a juxtaposition of different design positions from numerous post-socialist countries. Both realised and visionary designs, dedicated to private and public space, offer new and surprising insights and might contribute to an overdue reassessment of global design history.
The exhibition focuses on the boom of future orientation between the 1950s and 1980s. Thanks to technological progress, the future was suddenly calculable through systematised innovations.
All according to the associated narrative in post-war modernism, which is still valid today: technological progress promotes social prosperity promotes happiness for all.
In addition to futuristic interiors for hotels, airports or one's own home, the exhibition also shows examples of visual communication for sports competitions and festivals in urban spaces, as well as reconstructions of visionary architecture and cybernetic living spaces.
During the event period until the 16th July, a curator's guided tour will be offered every second Thursday.
Tickets cost €8, or €4 for discounted tickets.
More Information on the museums website.
5.00 pm
IDZ Event
UX Conversations: Amber Lundy
In the first episode of our ‘UX Conversations’ we talk with jury member Amber Lundy, Director of Product Design at Ford Electric Vehicles, about the current developments in her work field and her personal development.
Having grown up on the intersection of creativity, arts and coding, Amber shares insights on years of experience of designing for complex digital projects and advanced concept design for some of the world’s largest corporations.
How can advanced design influence positive outcomes? How does one grow into a strategic design role? Which abilities are necessary to influence corporate leadership? And how does designing for AI-driven experiences differ from non ML-enhanced product development? In this conversation Amber shares her thoughts and outlook on a quickly changing work field embedded between strategy, creativity and technology.
Further information and registration on LinkedIn and here.
8.30 am–9.15 am
Broken Music Vol.2
The inspiration of our Member of the month March 2023: Anja Muschiol. The exhibition at Hamburger Bahnhof Berlin deals with the vinyl record as a medium of art over the last seven decades.
The inspiration of our Member of the month March 2023: Anja Muschiol
On the basis of 700 recordings, the exhibition illuminates the development of the record as a medium for art from the post-war period to the present day. The panorama is expanded by sound works from the National Gallery's extensive collection, including room-filling sound installations and immersive media works. The exhibition is intended as a tribute to artists and vinyl enthusiasts, but also as documentation of the renewed attention paid to the record as a niche product and collector's item.
IDZ Event
German Ecodesign Award | Call for entries 2023
From 23 January to 17 April, companies, designers and students throughout Europe can apply for the German Ecodesign Award 2023.
We are looking for imaginative ideas and projects that are outstandingly designed and forward-looking. In addition to market-ready products and services, this also includes conceptual and student work. Design innovations are just as much in demand as technical and social innovations. There are no limits to creativity!
More information about the award at:
„JR. Déplacé∙e∙s”.
The inspiration of our Member of the month April 2023: Ralf Huss. The french artist JR exhibits his projects that combine photography, public art and social commitment in the Gallerie d´Italia in Turin.
The inspiration of our Member of the month April 2023 Ralf Huss.
After the exhibition stage in Munich in January, the works of the French artist JR can be seen at the Gallerie d'Italia in Turin until 16th July. At the centre of his artistic activity are larger-than-life art interventions in public space that deal with the problems of migrants and refugees. The size makes the artworks interactive, while thematically raising questions about social fragility. JR's art is created with people for people, emphasises individual as well as societal roles, and ultimately seeks to answer the question of whether art can change the world.
IDZ Event
#UXDA23: Open for Submissions!
Make it count! The UX Design Awards 2023 - Autumn call for participation is open for submissions. Enter your best work by 2 June!
Member of IDZ
Retrotopia. Design for Socialist Spaces.
IDZ member Silke Ihden-Rothkirch is co-curator of the international cooperative exhibition project "Retrotopia. Design for Socialist Spaces". The exhibition can be seen at the Berlin Museum of Decorative Arts.
The exhibition promises a juxtaposition of different design positions from numerous post-socialist countries. Both realised and visionary designs, dedicated to private and public space, offer new and surprising insights and might contribute to an overdue reassessment of global design history.
The exhibition focuses on the boom of future orientation between the 1950s and 1980s. Thanks to technological progress, the future was suddenly calculable through systematised innovations.
All according to the associated narrative in post-war modernism, which is still valid today: technological progress promotes social prosperity promotes happiness for all.
In addition to futuristic interiors for hotels, airports or one's own home, the exhibition also shows examples of visual communication for sports competitions and festivals in urban spaces, as well as reconstructions of visionary architecture and cybernetic living spaces.
During the event period until the 16th July, a curator's guided tour will be offered every second Thursday.
Tickets cost €8, or €4 for discounted tickets.
More Information on the museums website.
Member of IDZ
Bauhaus Archiv
Unpacking Jak R. Maier.
inherited and unpacked - the value of things
The temporary bauhaus-Archiv / Museum für Gestaltung presents the story of a surprising heritage and the first exhibition on the life and work of the Berlin artist Jak R. Maier, who passed away in 2010. Interactive and multimedia elements provide a glimpse behind the museum's exhibition curation and administration of estate. In addition a series of events will be offered. The event on the 26th April, for example, will focus on the scope of the inheritance.
Admission is free for both the exhibition and the series of events.
However, prior registration is requested for the event.
Further information can be found on the website.
5.00 pm
IDZ Event
UX Design Awards: Deep Dive Award Winners | HHLA Sky GmbH
In this Deep Dive Matthias Gronstedt, Rebecca Heinsohn and Thomas Hofmann will walk us through their award-winning project „ICC - Integrated control center“.
The Integrated control center from HHLA Sky and USE institute for user systems engineering is the world's first cyber-secured certified management tool for automated drone operations and autonomous robots. This browser-based software was developed to plan, control and monitor missions independent of location and covers the complete process chain. The control center is perfectly adapted to the different types of drones and missions, guaranteeing an optimal and smooth process.
Please register here!
5.00 pm
IDZ Event
UX Design Awards: Talent Track: Award Winners | Electrolux Jodana
In this Talent Track Luisa Ebeling, Indalecio Gaytan, Niklas Muhs and Yash Saboo will walk us through their award-winning project „ Electrolux Jodana “.
People in the Global South often have to leave their families behind to improve their economic situation. By separating from their families, they consume more disposable products, which leads to more e-waste every year. With "Jodana", a sustainable cooking ecosystem that can be used individually, the consumption of disposable products can be reduced.
Please register here!
Sunday, 4/16/2023
11.30 am
Member of IDZ
Deutscher Werkbund Berlin & Bruno Taut Forum
Copyright in Arts and Culture. Matinee at Renaissance Theatre Berlin
On 16 April, Deutscher Werkbund Berlin and the Bruno Taut Forum invite you to a matinee at the Renaissance Theater Berlin. After a keynote speech by lawyer and patron of the arts Peter Raue, the big questions of authenticity, imitation, inauthenticity and justice in art and culture will be discussed. Panelists include Saskia Ostendorff, Thomas Kürstner, Tobias Nöfer, Jenny Schily, Anna Ahrens and IDZ member Erik Spiekermann.
Wednesday, 4/19/2023
4.30 pm
Member of IDZ
Change in paradigm Low-Code
SIBB has invited top-class representative, who will provide insights into the latest trends, technologies and possible applications of low-code platforms on the 19th April. You can take part after registering in advance. The event will take place in the SIBB Deep Tech Accelerator at Oranienplatz 4 in Berlin-Kreuzberg.
5.00 pm
IDZ Event
UX Design Awards: Deep Dive Award Winners | Intuit / ProTax Group
In this Deep Dive principal product designer Brittany Sumarsono and product designer Xueyin Liu from Intuit/Pro Tax Group will walk us through their award-winning project „Intuit Tax Advisor “.
Intuit Tax Advisor empowers tax professionals to help individual taxpayers and small businesses succeed by achieving better tax situations. The software reduces manual work by automating data entry, calculation, and report-generating so that professionals can focus on strategizing to deliver more benefits to their clients. It also surfaces unidentified tax strategy opportunities by providing smart suggestions, while reminding professionals of important IRS rules to reduce audit risks.
Please register here!
5.00 pm
IDZ Event
UX Conversations: Oliver Kulpi
In the second episode of our 'UX Conversations', Oliver Kulpi (Head of Experience, Valtech Germany) shares his experiences from an extensive career characterized by a hands-on approach in a variety of creative domains. Drawing on his multidisciplinary background, he talks about building awareness and a flexible mindset for a design profession marked by emerging tech and shifting customer demands.
Broken Music Vol.2
The inspiration of our Member of the month March 2023: Anja Muschiol. The exhibition at Hamburger Bahnhof Berlin deals with the vinyl record as a medium of art over the last seven decades.
The inspiration of our Member of the month March 2023: Anja Muschiol
On the basis of 700 recordings, the exhibition illuminates the development of the record as a medium for art from the post-war period to the present day. The panorama is expanded by sound works from the National Gallery's extensive collection, including room-filling sound installations and immersive media works. The exhibition is intended as a tribute to artists and vinyl enthusiasts, but also as documentation of the renewed attention paid to the record as a niche product and collector's item.
„JR. Déplacé∙e∙s”.
The inspiration of our Member of the month April 2023: Ralf Huss. The french artist JR exhibits his projects that combine photography, public art and social commitment in the Gallerie d´Italia in Turin.
The inspiration of our Member of the month April 2023 Ralf Huss.
After the exhibition stage in Munich in January, the works of the French artist JR can be seen at the Gallerie d'Italia in Turin until 16th July. At the centre of his artistic activity are larger-than-life art interventions in public space that deal with the problems of migrants and refugees. The size makes the artworks interactive, while thematically raising questions about social fragility. JR's art is created with people for people, emphasises individual as well as societal roles, and ultimately seeks to answer the question of whether art can change the world.
IDZ Event
#UXDA23: Open for Submissions!
Make it count! The UX Design Awards 2023 - Autumn call for participation is open for submissions. Enter your best work by 2 June!
Member of IDZ
Retrotopia. Design for Socialist Spaces.
IDZ member Silke Ihden-Rothkirch is co-curator of the international cooperative exhibition project "Retrotopia. Design for Socialist Spaces". The exhibition can be seen at the Berlin Museum of Decorative Arts.
The exhibition promises a juxtaposition of different design positions from numerous post-socialist countries. Both realised and visionary designs, dedicated to private and public space, offer new and surprising insights and might contribute to an overdue reassessment of global design history.
The exhibition focuses on the boom of future orientation between the 1950s and 1980s. Thanks to technological progress, the future was suddenly calculable through systematised innovations.
All according to the associated narrative in post-war modernism, which is still valid today: technological progress promotes social prosperity promotes happiness for all.
In addition to futuristic interiors for hotels, airports or one's own home, the exhibition also shows examples of visual communication for sports competitions and festivals in urban spaces, as well as reconstructions of visionary architecture and cybernetic living spaces.
During the event period until the 16th July, a curator's guided tour will be offered every second Thursday.
Tickets cost €8, or €4 for discounted tickets.
More Information on the museums website.
Member of IDZ
Bauhaus Archiv
Unpacking Jak R. Maier.
inherited and unpacked - the value of things
The temporary bauhaus-Archiv / Museum für Gestaltung presents the story of a surprising heritage and the first exhibition on the life and work of the Berlin artist Jak R. Maier, who passed away in 2010. Interactive and multimedia elements provide a glimpse behind the museum's exhibition curation and administration of estate. In addition a series of events will be offered. The event on the 26th April, for example, will focus on the scope of the inheritance.
Admission is free for both the exhibition and the series of events.
However, prior registration is requested for the event.
Further information can be found on the website.
5.00 pm
IDZ Event
UX Design Awards: Deep Dive Award Winners | Deccan International
In this Deep Dive Bhakti Dudhara, Co-Founder and Chief Design Officer at Aubergine Solutions, will walk us through the award-winning project „ASENT - Adaptive Scheduling for Patient Transport center“.
Patients with special needs seek assistance when they need to travel for their essential medical appointments. NEMT (Non-Emergency Medical Transport) is a healthcare service provided by the Government or Private Agencies across the world. ASENT (Adaptive Scheduling for Efficient Non-emergency Transport) helps with centralized scheduling of vehicles with special equipment such as wheelchairs, stretchers, walkers and more, resulting in efficiency, cost savings and compliance. A recording of the talk is available on the UX Design Awards Youtube Channel.
German Ecodesign Award | Touring Exhibition in Innsbruck
The touring exhibition will remain in Austria for the time being: The second stop is the Circular Design Week Tirol in Innsbruck.
For the third year in a row, the touring exhibition is a guest at the Circular Design Week Tirol. From May 5 to 17, the exhibition offers an ideal environment for workshops, impulse talks and info events on the topic of circular economy. This year's location Die Bäckerei — Kulturbackstube is within walking distance of the Tyrolean sustainability trade fair ÖKO FAIR, which is taking place at the same time.
Berlin Design Week 2023
This year's Berlin Design Week is approaching. For the sixth edition of the festival, which will take place from 8 to 17 May, a large number of important representatives of the Berlin and international design scene will once again come together. Following the theme of Resilience, the festival once again focuses on design as an impulse for future-oriented change and the basis for creative futurability. The new exhibition and talk format "Design & Science" is intended to further enrich the important discourse between design, science and business.
5.00 pm
IDZ Event
UX Conversations: Shruti Ramiah
In this episode of UX Conversations, Shruti Ramiah (Head of Design at Zalando) reveals how design research can inform both our daily actions and our thinking about the future, and shares her views on what makes a clear moral compass for designers.
7.00 pm–10.00 pm
IDZ Event
IDZ Meetup during Berlin Design Week
The IDZ Berlin cordially invites you to a get-together during the Berlin Design Week 2023. We are looking forward to welcoming our members as well as guests from Germany and abroad. Among others, Adi Ticho and Nivi Lehavi from Unveil will present their AR platform. Their platform enables artists to show their work in public space. Maybe we will let pigeons fly together? In any case, we can take the opportunity to celebrate a bit the always inspiring shoulder-to-shoulder of design, art and technology....
Unveil Founders:
Adi Ticho & Nivi Lehavi
With a background in design, Adi and Nivi are excited to find the intersection between creativity and technology while working with technology as a creative tool, and using creative thinking to challenge technology.
The two met while studying for a master's degree in Social Design at the Design Academy in Eindhoven, the Netherlands, and began working together, now based in Tel Aviv.
Unveil is a platform that presents digital art around the city using augmented reality technology. AR makes it possible to place art anywhere, easily, and create a new experience of art, and of discovering places and stories in the city.
The platform enables AR technology to be a new creative medium.
Unveil webpage
Tuesday, 5/16/2023
2.00 pm
Member of IDZ
UID Webinars - Trends UX Design
The new series of Webinars by UID launches its first edition with the title "Benefits of UX".
Tuesday, 5/23/2023
2.00 pm
Member of IDZ
UID Webinars - Trends UX Design
In the second edition of the series of Webinars by UID the talk will revolve around Embedding Design Systems in your company.
A good design system is actively used and developed. This is the only way to ensure that it contributes optimally to the consistent design of products in the company and provides a guiding theme. Already the first step, the introduction and establishment of such a design system, is often a great challenge. In this webinar, Carina Völpel and Jenny Völpel, both Senior User Experience Consultants, provide clarification and shed light on questions relating to user feedback and awareness. Click here to register in advance, which is mandatory for participation.
5.00 pm
IDZ Event
5.00 pm–6.00 pm
IDZ Event
7.30 pm
Member of IDZ
to 7/31/2023 11.59 pm
Making the value of design visible
In cooperation with the Institute for Design Research at the h_da University of Applied Sciences in Darmstadt, the German Design Council would like to investigate where and how design is anchored in German companies.
Where and in which way design is used in german companies?.
Are there designers working on innovations or on corporate strategies in your company? In your company, does design contribute to differentiation or also in the area of transformation?
The 2 minute survey focuses on the status quo regarding in which corporate areas (differentiation, transformation, corporate strategy and innovation) designers are active in German companies.
The results can be used to derive best-case scenarios, conclusions about the value of design for corporate success, and a set of arguments for the proper integration of the design function into the organization.
Click here to access the survey.
The survey is in german language.